~In jeder Sprache wohnen andere Augen.~ ~I don't know where I am going but I am on my way.~

samedi 9 septembre 2017

Catch up - April and Early May

After Wales is before Wales...
or ... dreaming of Mimosas.

Back from an exciting trip to Wales!
The Irish Sea
But before all that, there was April. A wonderful, promising month with plenty of quality time with the wee granddaughter.

The camellias were flowering as good as they could as the early season was so mild.

We tried to sell some stuff at the Maastricht fleamarket which turned out not as a big success but we had good weather and lots of fun.

The S-T-P dog (aka sticky-toffy-pudding) enjoyed the sun in the front garden

and we went for the first time to Lasne (château d'Aywiers) where the first spring plant fair took place. EG nearly run over a guy looking like 'Rompy-Pompy', aka van Rompuy ;-)  (a good friend of Nigel Farage)

built the same year than our farm 
donkey love

the roof of the old building where the art gallery was hosted in

a wink for our friend Phil

beautifully painted cushion covers

modern allotment inspiration (especially the relaxed gardener ;-) )

sitting under the fruit trees in the orchard

Always the best stand... Thierry Delabroye

At home, the hanging gardens got EG's particular attention and one bed was added, wrested from the hard grass covered ground

As you can see, EG is the king of  the recyclers.

Those broad beans were fantastic and there were loads

Everything looked so promising and happy but then we had late frost and as a result there are no pears, only few apples from the later varieties, no walnuts, no mirabelles (green gage), no plums, no quinces. Luckily the hanging gardens provided us with loads of fresh vegetables.

Bluebells and forget-me-nots

acers showing colours

No chance to move this japanese acer anymore :-(

 And a wish came true: EG built me a herb spiral !

I shall make a picture of how it looks now. Actually a very good way to grow basil without greenhouse, keeping them in pots.

Later in May we travelled to Bristol, again, for a 'granddaughter fix' and visited a garden which took part of the NGS. But those pictures are for next time :-)

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