~In jeder Sprache wohnen andere Augen.~ ~I don't know where I am going but I am on my way.~

vendredi 20 février 2009

More surface covered - Encore moins de place aux murs

The reason (note: one needs always a reason)


ma Saint Valentin pour EG

By chance, I found this old mirror in some kind of second hand shop (Troc)

As the ornament on the top reminded me so much of the cabinet we have already in the dining room - to see in the reflection of the mirror - I had to get the surpise for EG.

Because, EG as well, is in love with old things

pas seulement qu'il aime sa vieille tarte ;-)

il aime aussi ses vieilles casseroles (à part des autres vieilles
casseroles qui se trouvent dans les garages)

il les polis lui-même
he polishs them!

Il a encore beaucoup plus de passions...

This is an example of one morning's flea market hunting - even the shelf found there

une matinée de brocante, même l'étagère vient de là.
A la prochaine!
Bisous de la vieille tarte xx

6 commentaires:

  1. Gorgeous things, Bayou! Those two paintings of houses look like they could come from Denmark.
    Oh, how I'd like an afternoon shopping around with you!

  2. Hello Bayou,

    I so agree with Pondside. It would be great fun to take a walk around the market with you and EG (and Pondside!)

    Here in New York, it is difficult for the individual interested in pretty old things to find anything before it is snapped up by the professional antiques dealers.

    I also very much enjoyed reading about your animal rescue. Hoping those beautiful dogs will find a good and caring home.


  3. That mirror is amazing. It would look perfect in my house.

    CJ xx

  4. Bayou, this is just great - I get a chance to read your blog and practice my appalling French!! The mirror is lovely and I also have a passion for old things xx

  5. Gorgeous things Bayou,

    I love the scalloped glass lampshade on the Green wall.


  6. OH C'est pas juste !! Where do you find all your woderful treasures I must go and do some more vide greniers, our brocantes are nul and trocante et puc are tres cher ici !!
