~In jeder Sprache wohnen andere Augen.~ ~I don't know where I am going but I am on my way.~

vendredi 27 février 2009

Brocante et Délices

One finds copper pans at the brocante...

...finds THE recipe for "les scampis du chef"

il n'y a plus qu'à...

échalottes, ail et tomates

ajouter du vin blanc ou porto blanc ou juste du jus de citron

de la crème

un peu de basilic

ajouter les scampis

mettre le tout dans les poêlons

puis enfourner pour 20 minutes ou moins.

Délicieux avec une baguette.

Où en sont-ils?


All gone!


One finds this:

Les formes à Madeleines!

One gets simply the recipe from dear UnPeuLoufoque

enjoys some minutes in the kitchen preparing

and gets:


Qui en veut?

Anybody fancy some Madeleines?

vendredi 20 février 2009

More surface covered - Encore moins de place aux murs

The reason (note: one needs always a reason)


ma Saint Valentin pour EG

By chance, I found this old mirror in some kind of second hand shop (Troc)

As the ornament on the top reminded me so much of the cabinet we have already in the dining room - to see in the reflection of the mirror - I had to get the surpise for EG.

Because, EG as well, is in love with old things

pas seulement qu'il aime sa vieille tarte ;-)

il aime aussi ses vieilles casseroles (à part des autres vieilles
casseroles qui se trouvent dans les garages)

il les polis lui-même
he polishs them!

Il a encore beaucoup plus de passions...

This is an example of one morning's flea market hunting - even the shelf found there

une matinée de brocante, même l'étagère vient de là.
A la prochaine!
Bisous de la vieille tarte xx

jeudi 19 février 2009

Look what we have got here

Those two arrived yesterday afternoon, trotted down the road and are obviously lost. It seems to be labrador mum with her female puppy and both are extremely kind.

As they were so exhausted, they layed down in the front yard and as they looked so hungry, I gave them some dog food. I then went in to call the SPA (société protéctrice des animaux) and was told that there was nobody who had called that they were lost and that nobody could come round to pick them up. I then put my shopping away and when I came out again, they had left. After 5 o'clock when the horses come in, I was just feeding the geese, I saw suddenly both of them, again and when I shouted, they immediately came round, found a whole in the fence (?) and welcomed me again.

I then decided that it was too cold for them to stay the night out - we had permanent frost all day- and prepared plenty of old clothes and old towels on a big layer of plastic liner in the 'pig shed' and invited them in. They were immediately laying down and I let them resting for a while. When EG came home, he was somehow surprised but loving animals equally as much, he totally agreed on my decision.

They got more food and water and after having had a last look in the later evening, they stayed without making any noise in their shelter. This morning, they were very happy to see me, we went out and needs were done and then more food.

Really lovely, kind dogs! Mr. Twix, who came from the SPA himself, is not amused, he fears to have some real competition here.

I will go and call the vet now to see if he knows them and then shall see what will be best...
Ces deux charmantes créatures arrivaient hier après-midi chez nous, errant, le regard perdu, mouillées, fatiguées et affamées.
Comme personne ne les a signalé perdu et la S.P.A. n'en pouvait venir les chercher, je leurs ai donné à manger et préparé logis dans l'annexe, la "porcherie". Elles sont totalement gentilles et adorables! Je vais téléphoner au véto maintenant pour voir si il ne connais pas le propriétaire et puis je verrais ce qu'on peut faire...

mardi 17 février 2009

A start - il y a un début à tout

Home, sweet home


more passions

even more passions