After this long winter, everything is now happily back in the outside mood. Our first barn swallows arrived on 24th March. So far, I never saw more than 3 but hopefully, there will be more soon. The 'bio' men came to fit the house martin's nest boxes, 4 x 2 boxes. One is my Valentine's gift and the other 3 are belonging to the community with a 5-years contract. They install the boxes for free. The men were making lots of unhappy noises on top of their ladders when they found that the heavy duty Hilti drill was the bad choice: not gentle enough for our nearly 300 year old house and its loose joints. But eventually, the job was done in a good way.
The sparrows, who live next to the new boxes in the gaps of the stones where the stable wall joins the house, have not adopted them as social buildings, yet. Every year, they share the nesting space between many other sparrows and also plenty of starlings. I love to listen to the starlings when I am in the bathroom and the wee cat would sit on the window and watch them upholstering the nests.
The house got new windows - enfin! - and one can feel the difference. No more a drafty, almost British ;-) residence but a cosy upgrade to the stone house. And as we were in the mood, we started to make the attic habitable. One room has been already plastered and the stones were filled. Because we run out of space -for our fleamarket treasures ;-). The old floorboard needs sanding and a big woodworm treatment will have to be done on all the ancient roof beams.
On top of that, by the end of the summer or early autumn, the last big project will be started: the annexe, which was formerly pig's stables. Once this is done, we should be at the end of 11 year of restauration and alteration and modernisation of this house which owns us.
But one of the most important activities in spring is cleaning the pond, cutting down all the old brown sticks and fishing out a maximum of pond weed and algues. Whilst fishing for algue, the newts will be found in the net, they will be examined, counted, catalogised and I wonder every year how to identify them? Using an ear tag? Or a discrete tatoo? Or a print on the back?
On the second day of pond cleaning, I took the camera with me.
I am pretty sure that this is a female normal pond newt. (triturus vulgaris)
I believe that this one is the male version of triturus vulgaris.
This one on both pictures above seems to me to be a female of the alpine newt (triturus alpestris). Its head is more large and flat whilst the green ones have more pointed noses.
The green one, again, is a common newt.
This one on the photo above seems to me to be a crested newt.
My attention was interrupted for a short while due to the balloon over us.
It must be fantastic in this blue blue sky and having such a brillant view from above!
The wee cat was heavily intrigued.
This is again, what we have most, just the normal green pond newt.
Whilst I believe that this one above is the male version of a normal pond newt.
That last one, I am pretty sure, is the alpine newt.
I am not an expert at all and if anyone knows what populates our pond, I will be thankful to be told. The species which is nearly no more found here in our region (the Tuscany of Belgium :-) ) is the crested newt.
I might also show this document to the nice 'bio' guy who is going to help me with my bees. Yesss, I will be starting with bees as soon as back from the next trip!!!
Next trip? You wonder where? MADEIRA!!!
I'll be no help at all with the identification, but want to offer that your renos sound fantastic. You have had a very busy time with windows and will you find time to travel?!
RépondreSupprimer11 years of renovation! That's a long time, but how lovely now it is nearly finished.
RépondreSupprimerNewts, I know nothing about, except that the great crested newt is very rare in UK.
Lovely photo of the balloon....imagine being up there in that still blue sky.
You capture it all so beautifully Bayou, love the cat watching the 'birds upholster their nests', it paints such a pretty picture. The photo of 'the boys' is adorable.Glad we are not the only 'nutters' who seem to devote our time to restoration projects, ours has been ongoing for the past 16 years now, doing up the original farm cottage, and the farmhouse, and then converting the old steadings into holiday accommodation. The latest phase, an extension of the farmhouse into the old stables is nearing completion, and at this stage we feel stressed and weary with it all, as we are sooo close, but I know those feelings will pass once it is completed. The happy farmer takes on these projects and does all the work himself you see. He has also been treating old beams for wood worm, good luck with all of the renovations, we have still to renovate the old piggery!!
RépondreSupprimerPS I know nothing about newts, but the photos were lovely.
Cute newts!! Madeira sounds a fab place to go.
RépondreSupprimerThanks for all your lovely comments, 16 years, Posie! That's what I call endurance. And bravo to the Happy Farmer. EG has done an awful lot alone but I try to "save" him up now ;-) and try to find help for the heavy bits.
RépondreSupprimerBut me, stupid woman, I forgot that when one thinks she has finished, than she has not finished indeed. Because I still have no greenhouse!
What wonderful photos your blog has Bayou.
RépondreSupprimerI am very envious that the swallows are back to you already! Last year ours arrived on the 22nd April and it doesn't seem they will be much earlier, although there are several sightings in the uk already.
I just wanted to thank you for all your lovely encouraging comments on my blog. They are greatly appreciated. We will meet up one of these days, I am sure.
take care
warm wishes